Manifesting for the New Year

Nov 17, 2021Alyssa Grundstrom
new years resolutions notes

How to Successfully Manifest for the New Year... Without the guilt of getting off track.

New Years resolutions are... hard. We all have the best intentions when going forward into the new year but if 2020 taught us anything it is that things happen we have no control over. I have never been one for strict and rigid resolutions because inevitably life will get in the way and then you are saddled with the lingering guilt of failure. As a plus size person, the society we live in would have my resolution every year to be losing weight but in my 30 years on this earth that has never happened sucessfully. Weight is 80% genetics and this is what my body is and I have learned to love it. One resolution I have chosen in the past is just to be healthier. Excersize more, eat more vegetables, drink more water. Choosing a broader goal can help you get on track to change without the pressure of having to be in the gym 7 days a week even if work was super stressful that day, or the kids are sick, and it just can't happen. Getting off track on a strict, rigid & niche goal can leave us feeling discouraged and bad about ourselves, making it more than likely that we will abandon the goal all together.

So what do we suggest?


Manifesting has similar goals of a new years resolution without the guilt. For me, manifestation is not necesarily about having a single goal or wish in mind but making broader changes to help you achieve those goals. Looking for love? Maybe begin by reading some books by experts on relationships, working on the heart chakra, and learning to love yourself. These are things that are leading you on the path to love without just specifically manifesting ✨the one✨. So now that you've listened to me droneon about stuff you probably already know, lets get into the part you've probably been waiting for and discuss manifesting specific goals that may be popular for the new year.


We already touched on manifesting love a little bit above. As a single 30 year old manifesting love is my goal to work on in 2022. To be honest, I have already started working on this. A few months ago I began seeing a therapist who specializes in relationship issues to help me work on some baggage I was carrying from previous relationships. For me, the start on my journey to manifesting love had to start with myself. I have always loved myself and spend a lot of time on self love and care but there are some parts of my personality that I have always struggled with. I am a very outspoken woman and finding a partner who can handle that has been difficult. Working through some of these issues has helped me greatly on the path to loving myself even more. Manifesting love doesn't have to be just about finding a romantic partner, and honestly it probably shouldn't be. Finding love for ourselves is a greater goal than finding love from someone else, especially in a society that is constantly critical of our appearance and behavior.

Tools for Manifesting Love

One of the best crystals for love is Rose Quartz. It is great for self love, platonic love, familial love and romantic love.

Rhodonite is a great stone for compassion and forgiveness. It can help us move forward from past hurt so we are open to receiving new love. The compassion side of rhodonite can also open us up to being a better partner ourselves.

Garnet is a stone of harmony and passion. Wearing garnet during the start of a new relationship can help motivate us to feel a connection and develop devotion (only if they deserve it).

When working with or wearing these crystals, always start by understanding what your intention is. What is it you are really trying to achieve or work on? Sometimes we need to look deeper inside ourselves to figure out why we want love and what love we really need.


Who couldn't use a few extra dollars now and then? Maybe old Jeffy Bezos but other than that... everyone. Manifesting money can come in many different forms. Maybe you're trying to get the courage to ask for a raise or that promotion at work. Maybe you're looking for the motivation to start a side hustle and bring in new streams of income. Or perhaps you're looking to be more organized and have a better budget to save for a special trip or something for yourself. Manifesting money doesn't have to be just about wishing or hoping for it, but can be a great project for personal growth and getting to know yourself better. This is not to say you shouldn't be trying to attract love and abundance at the same time just to cover all your bases.

Tools for Manifesting Money

Green Aventurine is a great stone attracting abundance, luck, success and growth. This is my top choice for attracting money since it covers so many key points for success. Keep a piece in your bag, on your desk, or wherever it is that you can find time to focus and think about what you're trying to manifest.

Citrine is an excellent coice if you are looking to ask for a raise or going for a promotions. It is an uplifting stone that will give you the confidence you need to get the job done. It is also a stone of strength and can help pick us up if we are feeling discouraged.

Pyrite is what we would recommend if you are feeling worn down at work. It is a shielding stone and can help keep the noise, bad energy or toxicity of your co-workers/boss at bay. This can help to keep you on track and motivated without being affected by the bullshit.

Honey Calcite is the stone for you if you are looking for motivation or willpower. It can help us get organized on a budget, find the energy we are looking for to start a new project/side hustle and the personal empowerment to feel that we can do anything we set our minds to!


If you're like me, health is always on your mind. I have a bag I affectionately call my pill bag that has all my vitamins, supplements, drinks and whatever else I'm trying that week that I bring to work, leave in my car, or have at home. Manifeting health comes in many forms and can be as broad as my goal of just being "healthy" or as specific as I want to be able to run 5 miles. Health can be physical, mental or spiritual and all three are equally important. Only in recent years have we seen the rise of taking care of your mental health as equally important as your physical health. For me (and probably many of you), stress is my main enemy. Stress elevates your cortisol levels, which can cause weight gain, trouble sleeping, memory problems, heart disease & more. Below we will look at tools for manifesting many different health goals.

Tools for Manifesting Health

Amethyst is a great crystal to help us control stress. Hold it while meditating or keep it in your room if you are doing yoga or breathing excersizes.

Carnelian is excellent to help elevate our mood. It is energizing and helps bring happiness into our lives. Septarinan also has many of these same qualities.

Celestine is another excellent stone for positivity. It connects to the throat chakra so it can help alleviate anxiety and stress surrounding public speaking. It also helps bring clarity into our lives and may illuminate some problems causing stress or anxiety we did not know were there.

Hematite is a great stone for willpower. It can help us stick to a healthy routine or resist eating a few too many cookies. It is also thought to help protect us from EMF radiation.

Clear Quartz is often called the master healer. It helps to regulate energy so that positive comes in and negative goes out. It can also amplify the energy of your other crystals giving them even more of a boost.

Rainbow Moonstone connects us to goddess energy. It can bring us intuition, insight and divine inspiration. This is a great stone for spiritual healing. Wear it or hold it while working on your third eye and crown chakra for heightened awakening.

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