Healing Cinnamon Potpourri Recipe

Nov 19, 2021Alyssa Grundstrom
NOV 19, 2020

How to make my healing cinnamon potpourri

To say I am obsessed with cinnamon is a understatement. My favorite part of fall is heading to the grocery store and being hit in the face by the cinnamon brooms & pine cones.

What You'll Need:

4 Oranges

3 Lemons

2 Grapefruit

Cinnamon Sticks

Star Anise Pods

Pine Cones (get as many as you think will fill your bowl 1/2 way)

Parchment Paper

Cinnamon Essential Oil

Pine Essential Oil

Orange Essential Oil

Or Buy a Pre-Made Oil Blend Including Cinnamon That You Like. I like this one on Amazon

Optional: Gold Glitter for some *pazazz*

Crystals To Choose From:

Cinnamon Essential Oil is great for protection, health, prosperity, luck & is even a natural aphrodisiac. Below are crystals I have included in mine before that compliment the cinnamon & the color scheme I like. You can use any mix you like or add other crystals you find comforting and uplifting.





Orange Aventurine


Tiger Eye

Red Jasper

How To Make It:

So the first part takes some patience. You can buy pre-dried oranges but they cost more. Drying your own citrus also scents your house and takes minimal effort, just a few hours.

Slice up your oranges, limes and grapefruit into slices. About .3" so they're not too thick or too thin. These need to be lined on the parchment paper and put into the oven at 200 degrees for between 3-6 hours. Flip occasionally to dry them evenly and check on them every 30 minutes or so.

Once the fruit is dried mix those, the pinecones, the star anise and the cinnamon sticks in a bowl (and gold glitter if you're using it). In a small bowl or cup blend the essential oils 3 parts cinnamon, 1/2 part orange oil & drops of pine oil. Add around 10 -15 drops for each cup of potpourri depending on how strong you like it. I would recommend wearing gloves when working with the pine oil and mixing the potpourri to be safe.

Finally, transfer to your decorative bowl and arrange your crystals in any way you like. They could be mixed in, displayed on top, whatever feels right.

& enjoy!

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