Rewards Program
Looking for our rewards program?
We have switched hosts for a better and easier experience for our customers. We have transferred all of the points over for preexisting customers. They may look like less than you had but that is because we have changed our reward system.
It used to be 100 points for $1 where it is now 25 points. So if you had 100 points you now have 25 but you still have the same dollar amount to be discounted. This means in the future you will earn discounts faster.
To be re-enrolled and access your points all you need to do is create an account by clicking the rewards button on the bottom left and using your original email. If you need help or can't remember the email used just message us by clicking on the little chat button on the bottom right and I will help you with your new account :) Customers with existing website accounts just need to sign in, nothing else required.
Alyssa & Karen